Sam Odio
is a product leader.
He currently serves as a Sr. Director of Product at Dropbox. Prior, he was the VP of Product at Fivestars. He previously founded Divvyshot (YC W09, acq. by Facebook) and Freshplum (acq. by TellApart).
2007 - 2010
2010 - 2011
2011 - 2014
2014 - 2015
2016 - Present
2016 - Present
2007 - 2010
2010 - 2011
2011 - 2014
2014 - 2015
2016 - 2021
2021 - present
2007 - 2010
2010 - 2011
2011 - 2014
2014 - 2015
2016 - 2021
2021- Present
Sam is
available for
Product Consulting
Want to speak
to Sam?

Sam is represented by Free Agency, a talent agency focused on the management and representation of top and emerging tech talent.

We’re happy to field all inquiries to collaborate with Sam, including from the press, recruiters, hiring managers, founders, mentees, and others.

Maurice Eisenmann
Sam's Talent Agent
Sam Odio’s product history
2021 - present
Senior Director of Product

New Products.

2016 - 2021
VP of Product
San Francisco Bay Area

Leading an incredible team of designers, researchers, product analysts, and PMs as VP & Head of Product. Work includes:
- Growing core product to influence 50+ million consumers and $2bn in annual spend.
- Our team has brought credit card processing hardware to market that's processed $400M at small businesses.
- Recruited design & user research leadership and shepherded a build-out of design org.
- Collaboratively developed the strategy and product for several 0-1 bets (including a move to payments).

2014 - 2015
TellApart (acquired by Twitter)

Facilitated the integration of a personalized retail promotions pilot program (using Freshplum's technology) into the TellApart (and later Twitter) ad product offerings.

2011 - 2014
Co-Founder & CEO
Freshplum (acquired by TellApart)

Freshplum used ML to help some of the world's largest retailers understand and personalize online promotions, turning site visitors into new customers and increasing sales volume by 15%. Funded by YCombinator, sold to TellApart (which was then purchased by Twitter)..

2010 - 2011
Facebook Company
Product Manager

PM responsible for all of Facebook Photos & Video. Grew product to average 100 million+ daily photo uploads and 10 billion+ daily photo views.

2007 - 2010
Founder & CEO

Divvyshot, Inc (acquired by Facebook)
Divvyshot fixed photo sharing with one of the first iOS photo sharing apps. Funded by YCombinator, sold in 2010 to Facebook.